Breathe Easier With Cleaner Indoor Air

Schedule residential air purification services in Owensboro, KY

Do you sniffle and sneeze whenever you're home? Does dust accumulate on your furniture at a rapid rate? Your air quality may be to blame. Fortunately, Key Heating and Cooling offers air testing services for homes in Owensboro, KY.

Once we test your air quality, we'll recommend a REME HALO purification system to get rid of unhealthy particles and germs. An air purification system can help anyone, but it’s especially beneficial for homes with sick children or adults.

Call 270-686-3012 to learn more about how our air purification services can help you.

4 benefits of an air purification system

Air testing is one of the best ways to know what you're up against. Luckily, you don't have to suffer with unhealthy air. Our air purification services will help to:

1. Kill airborne microbes

2. Reduce dust, mold and allergens

3. Improve your sleep quality

4. Reduce musty or stale odors

Create a healthier environment with an air purification system. Contact us today to schedule a time to get a free in-home estimate.

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